I've 2 measure column in the C8 Web report. Here i need to show the column1 cell's value background as color red when it exceed the value of column2. So how i can achieve it? Thanks in advance.
Define a boolean variable and give condition as Column1 > Column2.
then select the column 1 & set for variable value Yes the style variable as boolean and in property background colour as Red.
This will work...
We have conditional explorer to do all this kind of Data hilighting, just go through the Report Studio user guice, we can make lot many miracles with conditional formating..
HI Kvin ,
in your report take Boolean varibale and in it put condiotion as column1>column 2
and then click on YES value and select that Boolean variable and set Background Color to RED to the Column Body Style.
and Run the Report,
hope it wil helps u ..........