Hi all,
I need to hide the Action column in Public folder for a specific group or role .
I find in Cognos Administration/Configuration/Portlets a graphic editor that allows me to modify the Portlets.
If I modify Public folder in Cognos Content/Cognos Navigator I can see a preview of what exactly I want to see, but after this step I have some troubles on apply the changes on Public Folder.
I have tried to restart Cognos , but nothing changes in Public folder , can anyone help me with this issue?
If there is a solution can you explain me step by step what to do?
I have also another problem on navigation between reports .
I have three reports (1,2,3).
I can go from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3, but when I'll do the same think going back from 3 to 2 , or from 2 to 1 the report fails losing the parameter when it gets to previous report
The only way to solve this problem I can find is to close the window, and re-run the report 1 .
Can anyone help me also on this issue?