Hi ,
im doing a POC on how to implement automated failure notification for a job.I got a doc from this site which explains how to do it using event studio.
But my requirement is instead of hard coding the mail IDs i want to sent the failure notification to the persons who had executed that job.
I could see that users information like cmid,email id,contact phone etc is stored in a table called CMOBJPROPS1 table in content store DB.
But what issue im facing is this table is not poulated with all the data,but it has only CMID.
Is there any other way to get this email info of the user?
Please help me out for this issue.
Do you have the audit tables turned on?
The ones starting with COGIPG_*
There's the RUNJOB table, filter that by failed jobs then link that to the USERLOGON via de session id field to find the user id, then finally link that to the CMOBJPROPS1 via the user id to get the user email address.
Cognos does not support meddling with the content store, use it at your own risk.
Best Regards.