I want to get a mail during the bursting of reports.After the successful bursting will get mail as reports has completed and with the bursting count.If it fails then should send mail to say report bursting has failed.This will avoid the monitoring of report bursting.
Is if possible to do this in event Studio or is there any other way?
Please help me ......
You should be able to do this with Event Studio and the Audit package that comes with the Cognos samples. Do you have Cognos Audit already set up? If not, the admin guide can walk you through setting it up. You should be able to monitor fails, and set an event trigger to email if a schedule fails.
Best regards,
Is there any other way to do this except Auditing because this will decrease the performance and we are bursting a huge no. of report.
The only other thing I can think of is having the Job that runs the bursted reports send you an email when it has completed and put a link in that email back to the reports run history...