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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: sridharansathya on 22 May 2009 05:34:57 AM

Title: Hiding prompt button
Post by: sridharansathya on 22 May 2009 05:34:57 AM

I have a requirement that the drill through should be applied to the same report of another page.That is done not an issue-but the problem comes in hiding the BACK TO PROMPT PAGE (HTML) BUTTON.

we have a back to prompt page button in every page of the report.My scenario is i have a brief information say i have a chart in the 1st page ,when i drill through on the bar of the chart - it will display the corresponding detail value in the list that is nothing but the
second page.

(i.e) i am passing a drill through from the 1st to the 2nd page.

back to prompt page should be hided in the above scenario . Only when i drill through to the second page it should not display the button,otherwise it should.

Any script work will be useful.Seeking help.

Thanks in advance,
Title: Re: Hiding prompt button
Post by: Gollapudi on 25 May 2009 02:08:07 AM
Hi Sathya,

Instead of going for the script for this, you can fix it with help of Conditional formating.. like you just want to hide that prompt buttion when you drill through from first page, it means a your passing some value for a perticular parameter, so here we'll set a condition like if that paramter is not null, then we'll hide this prompt buttion..

Hope this will help you out.

Title: Re: Hiding prompt button
Post by: sridharansathya on 25 May 2009 06:58:41 AM
Hi Gollapudi,
If i do the conditional formatting like you said,then when i select the target page in my propt directly with out drill through .Then it wont show the prompt button na.Rather it should show when it is not opened by drill through.
Title: Re: Hiding prompt button
Post by: Gollapudi on 26 May 2009 12:28:48 AM
Yes your right, That will happen but therez this solution for that.....

To fix this problem, what you have to do is, have a dummy prompt which will not disturb any query, so it will have some parameter like ?hidendisp? so in drillthrough we'll just pass some value of a data item or some thing.. so u just use this item to make your conditional formating working perfectly..
