Hi Friends,
We are planning to install cognos 8.4 on new servers(1 application sever 2 gateway servers).I know how to install cognos on single machine. I have never installed and configured cognos on multiple servers.
Can any one guide me how to Install cognos on Multiple servers.
On the application server you select only the appserver and content manager option during install.
On the 2 gateway servers you select only the gateway option during install.
Hi Smiley,
Thanks for the details.
1.Do I need to install the cognos configuration including the other applications like FM,MD,..etc
2.Do I need to install cognos configuration also on the gateway servers.
How does the gateway servers talk to the application servers.
sorry for asking too many questions.
Where do I need to install the Access manger adminstrator?
1. You install FM and MD on whatever location your developer will be working from, regardless if it's a workstation or server.
2. The gateway finds the application server via the dispatcher entry in cognos configuration.
Access manager needs to be installed on whatever location your developer will be working from, regardless if it's a workstation or server.
Access manager is a series 7 authentication management tool for the Sun ONE directory server that comes with S7 software.
Keep in mind that neither are included on the Series 8 cd's.
Hi Smiley,
Thank you.
1.What are all the other components I have to install apart from the application server to the gateway.
2.I can install metric server on one gateway server and gateway option in the 2nd server.
where should I install IIS to configure everything .On which server i should include the gateway,dispatcher details in the cognos configuration
I assume that i have to install cognos configuration on all the 3 servers.
Could you please explain clearly.
we do have access manager.
1. When you install either bi server or metric server, the installation option shows the gateway tier, appserver tier and content manager tier. For details see my first answer.
2. Cognos calls the gateway tier the part that you install on the IIS server.
Cognos configuration is automaticly included with any tier you install.
Thank you dutchcogtechie
I am planning to follow the below steps.
1. Create a content store database.
2. Install the Content Manager on First Gateway server and start the Cognos configuration .
3. Install the Application Tier Components on Application server and include the content store database details in the Cognos configuration and start the Cognos configuration.
Install IIS and configure it.
4. Install the Gateway components on Second Gateway servers and also install the Access manager
5. I think I need to start the Cognos configuration on all the servers and mention all the gateway server details in the Application server Cognos configuration.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
just curious.. why two gateway machines? my suggestion would be put the content manager and gateway on one machine... and just the app tier on the second machine. one machine will be dedicated to be your work horse... while the other does the configuration and serving.
its scalable in this case too.. where if you need more horsepower ... throw an app tier only on the 3rd machine ... 4th .. so on.
just thoughts.
2 Gateway servers are for the load balancing.
I have done with the following steps.
1 Installed content manager and application svr on one machine.
2.Installed gateway on 2nd machine
3.Installed gateway and Webservice on 3rd machine.
I am trying to connect the Application server with other gateways but not succeed.
I think it is some configuration issue.
Can you please throw some light.