How to convert olympic ranking to dense ranking in Cognos?
Olympic ranking is default but is there a way that I can convert the olympicly ranked records to densly ranked ones.
Hi Rajesh,
Generally we use Rank([Measure]) to get rank in Report Studio, if you need dense ranking you should say DISTINCT inside the expression as follows.... Rank(distinct [Measure]) Thats it..
Thanks Gollapudi..
Your most welcome :D
I tried using RANK(DISTINCT [MEMBER]) But it didnt help.It is still showing the olympic ranking.
What is this Member you have placed in your expression, you just need to put Distinct in your expression which you have created to get the Rank, that will definitely works..
I created a data item which gets me rank for a member and applied distinct to it.
Anyways I found the answer to it,Using running-count([Member]) will solve the problem.
Thanks for your help Gollapudi.
How did you get it with Running-Count.. that will give you the kind of Rownumbers but not the ranking on Measure... please check it one more time, if you sort the measure then it could be ok but should not do that, coz in future if the client want you to sort on a perticular diemention then this will be vanished.. care full......
I have a similar question, sorry if its of topic.
I want something equivalent to DBs row_number(): row_number() over(partition by attribute order by attribute1 DESC, attribute2 DESC)