8.4 Planning New Feature Guide has this in it -
Improved Framework Manager Model Generation
You can now generate a Framework Manager model with the original level-based hierarchy or with the new member-based hierarchy. For a member-based hierarchy, the members are propagated to
only the level they exist, not to the lowest level.
Two questions -
1) Does anyone the difference between the two - level-based hierarchy v/s member-based hierarchy?
2) If we are creating FM model on our own, where and how do I see this property level-based/member-based, so that I can use it?
Thank you.
I received some powerpoint slides at the forum that show the difference. Once I saw the picture of the difference it made sense.
Level Based Looks like
Member based would not necessarily include the rollup for each level if the rollup was not defined.
Basically with level based there is a rollup at each level and detail data items are brought down to the lowest level. With member based the rollup is only created if there is a defined parent and the detail data items sit at their respective positions.
Glad someone went to the forum :) .. It is so good to hear the difference between the two. Looks like Cognos now has tricks to support unbalanced hierarchy. Can you please tell us if the presenter for the session told, how we can use this feature when building models in 8.4 Framework Mgr? I am building a DMR off a publish container and would like to know how to use the member-based hierarchy.
On a side note, Microsoft SSRS supports unbalanaced hierarchy and is able to recognize the hierarchy off a sinlge table by click of a button. Though late, Cognos seems to be catching up with this, but it is lagging by a great length!
Unfortunately the presentation at forum wasn't based on framework manager. It was a presentation on "Near Real Time Reporting with Cognos Planning" so there wasn't really any discussion of this feature. I happened to notice it in the slides once I downloaded them which had more information than was in the presentation.
Also, since we are not quite on 8.4 I can't really tell you how to create one dimension hierarchy type or the other although I would believe it to be an option when you add a hierarchy in FM.
Hey mrobby - slightly off point but how were they proposing near real time reporting in Cognos Planning? Using Incremental Publishing?
Hi mrobby!
Can you share that powerpoint-file with us? (email, ftp...)