Hi All,
I am installing planning 8.3, but I don't know how to integrate Access Manager with it.
I have Access Manager 7.3 version. Could I install Access Manager 7.3 version with Planning 8.3. and how it is. plz tell me the process also.
I want to know versions of Access Manager also.
Thanks in Advance.
Version of Access Manager dosen't matter. I Cognos Configuration, just right click on Authentication, New Resource , Namespace, then type a name for it (for example Cognos Series 7 (Acc Mgr) and the choose Cognos Series 7 in the drop down list. Then input the parameters of your directory server and namespace
Thanks verymuch,
But when I trying to configure Access manager with Active Directory services it is asking some parameters. I don't know which parameters and namespace I have to provide there.
My system name sarayu.
Just give me the suggessions and one example.
You can get those settings from Access Manager; Open Access Manager administration, right click on your namespace and the select properties.
Namespace name and namespace id are typically "default", host and port is the name of your directory server and port.
The name of your server is impossible to know for me but port is usually 389 so xxxx:389
Base Distinguished Name is typically o=cognos, c=ca but don't take it for granted
But as I said you can get all these settings from access manager