Please can you help me?
I need to automatize the refresh of a cube but this cube ask for a password.
In the script I was trying to pass parameters like line bellow but it shows the error bellow.
C:\>start /d "C:\Cognos\c83cm\bin" /w cogtr.exe -n -i -s
-kdatasource=Administrator/password# -ldatasource=A
dministrator/password# C:\Cognos\Projetos\Cubos\Produçao x Objetivo.pyj
Business Intelligence Transformer version 8.3.821.0
Incorrect command line parameters
usage: cogtr [-a] [-e] [-d preference=value] [-f preferences_commands_file] [-i save_model_file] [-h] [-k database
=user_id/password] [-l signon=user_id/password] [-n batch_option] [-p saved_model_file] [-r log_detail_level] [-s
save_model_file] [-t date_category_code] [-u reported_powercube] [-y upgrade_security_mode] [-o populate_off_mode]
Can someone help me with this issue?
Thanks in advance,
Try this syntax from command prompt
cogtr.exe -n -kdatasource=Administrator/password -ldatasource=Administrator/password -p"C:\Cognos\Projetos\Cubos\modelname.pyj"
Also try storing signon information within transformer model.
have you SingleSignOn within your cognos-environment?
If you have SingleSignOn you have to create a sceduled-task - and give him the Username and Password of a valid cognos-user.
I had the same problems - all login -k and -l and also -y1 did not work.
You can also use RunAs - and put a "cognos" valid username and password with it!
kind regards