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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: rama83 on 09 May 2009 01:49:12 AM

Title: Drill up and Drill down not working when user selected items on prompt page
Post by: rama83 on 09 May 2009 01:49:12 AM
Hi All,

We are using Cognos8.2 version with DMR (Hierarchies created by FM using Regular Dimension)

Here I am creating Crosstab report with following items

Measure:Amount Booked
Column:User selection(Like Country,Region,State..........)

Created separate Column for user selection

Once user select country/region/state/city/zip code in prompt page we need to display related data in report.

Ex: if user selects Country we need to display following report

                             India                                       Unknown

                       Amount Booked                          Amount Booked         

2008               100000                                            2005

2009                200000                                           1500

Here I am able to display as per selection in report but I am not able to see drill down to display further levels.

Ex: if I click on India I am not getting report with Region wise data...similarly for other levels also.....

Can anyone explain me what exaclty is the problem and solution for the above.

your help is really appreciated and will help me a lot..

Thnaks in Advance
Title: Re: RSV-SRV-0040 error when validating report in Report Studio
Post by: crn.siva on 12 May 2009 02:30:38 AM
Hi Rama,

Try This way

Cause: Empty data item in the query.

Resolving the problem:  There was a Data Item in the query that was empty, deleted the data item and the report runs fine.

I think it is usefull for you,

Please let me know if it is working properly or not.

Title: Re: RSV-SRV-0040 error when validating report in Report Studio
Post by: rama83 on 12 May 2009 08:28:24 AM
Hi Thank for ur replay..
Error problem solved(RSV-SRV-0040).But Drill up and Drill down functions are not working when user select query items in the prompt page.
Ex:-Crosstab report
Measure:Amount Booked
Column:User selection(Like Country,Region,State..........)

Please provide any solution for above issue

Thanks in advance...
Title: Re: Drill up and Drill down not working when user selected items on prompt page
Post by: crn.siva on 13 May 2009 06:38:54 AM
Hi Rama,

For this very big process...
Excuse me any grammer mistakes...

first you create one string variable--> in that
IF ( ParamDisplayValue('Parameter1') = 'Country') THEN
    ( 'Country' )
IF ( ParamDisplayValue('Parameter1') = 'Region') THEN
    ( 'Region' )
    ( 'State' )

and --> give the values (like 'country', region,state)-->goto the report page--> unlock report -->select the crosstab column--> in the tool box select conditional block--> drag and drop into the column--> and assign the string variable to that conditional block--> and select the currtent block as 'Country'--> and copy the column and paste in to that block--> again select the current block as 'Region' --> and again paste the copied column in to that blank block--> and the same way select the current block as state --> cut the column and paste into that blank block.

I think it is useful for you,

please let me know it is working or not.
Title: Re: Drill up and Drill down not working when user selected items on prompt page
Post by: rama83 on 14 May 2009 02:03:42 AM
Hi thanks for replay yar,
Its wroking fine when selected query items in the prompt page(country,region...) showing in the report level but hierarchies are not working.Suppose if user select Country on prompt page,country showing in report level but hierarchies are not showing.........
You tried this one,did u able to show hierarchies in report level...........
Please help me yar
Thanks in advance