The RS User's Guide says: "To manipulate the contents of some objects, you must first unlock the object."
Which objects are subject to padlock control and which are not? The User's Guide doesn't say.
This is very annoying, especially since trying to change an object which is locked does not result in any kind of warning message. In fact, it behaves as if it accepts the change - but when you run the report, whatever you thought you changed shows that it really didn't accept your change at all.
Why doesn't the padlock control ALL objects? Why does it let you change something, but reject the change (without warning) only when you run the report?
Surely this can't be the way its designed - is this a bug in Report Studio?
the unlock button is really only applicable to lists and cross-tabs...
...and has nothing to do with the ability to "change" the report (as in other tools)'s merely a way of unlocking particular objects as to control further detail within them.
as an example, it allows you to drop a text item inside a list header....or even drop another list inside a list (for the sake of creating a master->detail type of report), there is no bug here. Report Studio has worked this way since 1.0.