I am working with cognos 8.3, I am using bursting on a report, I have a bursting table with the emails an region that the user is going to receive:
User_Email RegionCode RegionName
aaa@enterp.com 1 Reg1
bbb@enterp.com 1 Reg1
ccc@enterp.com 1 Reg1
ddd@enterp.com 2 Reg2
My problem is that the user aaa is receiving 2 emails with the information of the same región.
The emails received have a characteristic, the first one has only one recipient aaa@enterp.com, but the second one has two recipients aaa@enterp.com and bbb@enterp.com
I don't know what I am doing wrong, could someone help me please.
Hi ,
I think among the below three columns which one you defined as burst key in the burst options in the report studio.
Based on the busrt key option the report grouped with that burst key will be delivered to that reciepient.
in your case you will be setting the regioncode or the region name as the burst key.
cognos will group the data based on the burst key and it will distribute the report. in ur case since for region 1 u r having more than 1 recipent, it acts in this way.
as a alternative, try to create a dataitem which is a combination of username and regionname like
username||regionname. use that dataitem as the burst key.
User_Email RegionCode RegionName user||region
aaa@enterp.com 1 Reg1 aaaReg1
bbb@enterp.com 1 Reg1 bbbReg1
ccc@enterp.com 1 Reg1 cccReg1
ddd@enterp.com 2 Reg2 dddReg2
so when u r bursting the report based on this new dataitem, the report will be delivered for each user individually and no one will get more tahn one mail
Hope this helps
I wouldn't suggest modifying anything as suggested above. Your setup as you described it is as should be for bursting. There's something different going on than an issue with the burst table. I think this for a couple reasons: 1) Your setup is standard. Rarely will there be a 1 to 1 relationship between the recipient and the key- and there doesn't need to be. 2) If there was a problem with your burst table,user aaa would actually receive 3 emails (by what you have for your example), not just 2.
If you can recreate the issue using GO Sales, send me the xml and I will try to help you more.