There must be a way to generate a proper date range prompt with macros...
This "works"
[My Date] between
#prompt ( 'p start My Date','date')#
#prompt ( 'p end My Date','date')#
...however, this generates two date prompts (i.e. one for each parameter).
Is there a way to leverage "in_range" ...and one parameter that contains the date range (thus generating a nice date range prompt).
..There must be! ....I just can't figure it out.
[My Date] in_range ?P_Date_Range?
yes, that generates the prompt; however, I need to do so with a macro so I can set default values.
I don't think there is a way to get prompt macros to work correctly with in range. The best I've managed to do is an extremely ugly:
[date] IN_RANGE { #substitute(',',':',promptmany('date','date','2007-04-01,2007-05-01'))# }
The default doesn't appear in the prompt, but it still works. If you can find a better way, I'd be very interested in seeing it.