On a prompt page that has prompts and text box labels for the prompts, the tabs always go through the text labels instead of just tabbing through the entry boxes, which is really annoying for users. Has anyone found a way around this? I would have thought there would be an easy way to set tab order but if it's there I haven't found it. Thanks for any help!
there are a couple ways to do this... I am sure some may not work depending on what version you are on. this should work in 8.3. Also there was a presentation a Forum in 2009 that had some groovey JavaScript that automatically did it. But here is a way to manually do it.
name each prompt _lname, _fname, _prvid and _cityx (or whatever you want). You can add as many as you like.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
document.formWarpRequest._textEditBox_lname.tabIndex = 1;
document.formWarpRequest._textEditBox_fname.tabIndex = 2;
document.formWarpRequest._textEditBox_prvid.tabIndex = 3;
document.formWarpRequest._textEditBox_cityx.tabIndex = 4;
good luck!