We are currently running Cognos 8.3 and would like to integrate SharePoint in order to take advantage of viewing the default Cognos Portlets through our SharePoint customer Portal. I have two namespaces, one for internal users and one for customers (external users). I am following the instructions located here:
Administer and Deploy
IBM Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide
Portal Services Administration
Deploying Cognos Portlets to Other Portals
Deploying Cognos Portlets to Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2007
When I read the instructions to deploy Cognos portlets through another portal I understand the following:
1. Using Portal Services through another portal will only authenticate to one namespace, so an additional Gateway configured with Cognos 8 needs to be installed and configured to use the added namespace…ok, so I installed a separate Cognos Gateway.
2. Then it tells me to congifure the Gateway URI to point to the external namespace. This is where I'm thrown for a loop, the configuration for the Gateway URI is not located within the Gateway Configurations, but the Content Manager's configurations, and if changed then it will not longer point our internal users to the right path. The instructions do not say you need an additional Content Manager so I'm confused.
Has anyone had experience with Congnos 8.3 and SharePoint 2007?
Basically, I'm looking for someone who understands this intergration to help advise on the correct architecture expantion with the newly added external namespace within a distributed environment.
Environment as follows:
Standalone Gateway
Standalone App Server (Content Manager)
Standalone SQL Server (Content Store)
I have setup this integration a couple of times. It was kind of confusing in the beginning, but I worked my way through it. Here are a couple of things to look at:
1. Create two virtual directories in IIS, one setup to use integrated Windows authenication, the other anonymous access.
2. Setup a namespace in Cognos Configuration that utilizes the Custom Java Provider. Specify a namespace id and put the following in as the java class name: com.cognos.cps.auth.CPSTrustedSignon.
3. In Cognos Configuration under the Environment section, specify the namespace used to authenicate in the Gateway namespace section, set "Allow Namespace Override" to True, and in the Gateway URI specify the URI is setup to allow anonymous access.
Start with this for now and let me know if you have any questions. There is to setting this up. If you'd like, you can direct questions to me at ej.mccray@yahoo.com.