I have to refresh my report automatically.I have got some solution and it worked too.But the issue is its again going to the prompt page.I dont want to go back to prompt page when refreshing.im using Cognos 8.3...PLEASE can anybody help me.here is code which tried.
<script type="text/javascript">
var sId = getFormWarpRequest().elements["cv.id"];
var sRef = "oCV_NS_";
if(sId.value == "RS") { sRef = "oCVRS"; }
if ( !self['RunReportInterval'] )
self['RunReportInterval'] = self.setInterval( sRef + ".getRV().RunReport()", 5000 );
Has there been a solution for this issue created ? I am running into the same problem and have not found or have been able to create a solution around the prompt page showing up on a refresh.
There are plenty of solutions for this - so you're going to have the user select values on the prompt page, hit finish, then have it refresh the data?