I receive this error when I run a list report with a chart. If no records match user provided criteria, I receive the message above. When I remove the chart from the report and return no records I do not receive this error. Is there a way to just show a blank chart if there are no records to display, like the the list does?
Try the following settings in the Query Properties
use local cache : N0
Processing : limited Local
Rollup processing : Extended / Local
Thank you for your help. I tried just the first choice "use local cache : N0" and that fixed the problem. Can't thank you enough.
Thanks for this posting. This has been driving me crazy. I also just added the use local cache to no and it worked. I did it for each chart on the report. Thanks so much. Lisa
Hey! This problem was driving me crazy too. Just setting 'use local cache' value to 'no' stopped the problem. Thanks a lot!
same issue, same solution
Was stuck with this ***** :o RQP-DEF-0526 error and got it solved thanks to "local cache" feature on my union qry
Thanks dudes !!!