Hello Guys,
I have a created a report that contains 3 crosstabs. Each crosstab is placed in a table cell.
Now, when I run the report, if the crosstab has data it appears but if it does not have data, the table cell is empty. I have tried to use the 'No Data Contents for the property just to but a text 'No Data' but it is not working and the table cell is still empty. Do you know why it is not working? or do I need to do anything else ?
Thanks a lot ..
Hi NaviGator ,
can u explain in brief ,what exactly you want in your report.
Thanks Vij for your response.
My problem is the 'No Data Contents' property is not working with my crosstabs. any idea why it is not working ? Do I need to do anything else ?
Thanks ..
Hi NaviGator ,
'No Data Contents' works if there is no record returned from Database rather than a "NULL" value.
you do one thing Run your Native SQL from DB client tool to see if a record with "NULL" value is returned.
and then modify the report so no record returned from Database.
hope it will help u .........
Hi Navigator,
I had to develop a complex report with 10 crosstab (the end-user only see one crosstab).
I have used the 'No Data Contents' and it works. I put some text in the crosstab in the tab No Data Contents and when the crosstab is null, it displays the crosstab with some text.
You should use the run view tabular data to be sure that you got no data but you don't need to do something else...