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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS Connection => Topic started by: epjklomp on 16 Apr 2009 11:14:55 AM

Title: Failed to log on to Cognos Connection
Post by: epjklomp on 16 Apr 2009 11:14:55 AM

After installation of Cognos 8 BI Starter Edition for Windows, I wanted to log on to Cognos Connection by opening the browser and use the following URL: http://hostname:9080/p2pd/servlet/dispatch/ext. (where hostname is the name of my computer).

Unfortunatelly the web page couldn't be displayed. What did I do wrong? I changed the configuration file Starter_Users.xml with the same username and password as my DB2 administrator account.

What did I do wrong?
Title: Re: Failed to log on to Cognos Connection
Post by: cognoskb on 20 May 2009 01:43:40 AM
2 questions:

1. why are you logging directly into the dispatcher? and not via the webserver? like http://hostname/cognos8 ? (your webserver must have virtual directories configured)...

2. default is the dispatcher port number 9300 instead of yout 9080. CHeck your configuration manager for the correct port. copy past the dispatcher url in your webbrowser and you should get the ubformatted login screen. You can change the default port 9300 to 9080 but change all 9300 entries in you r configuratiopn manager to 9080.