In a value prompt the first item shown is the data item name i.e (Country_Desc), I need to customize this to ("ALL COUNTRIES). I used the following script it works for the first time but when we reprompt this name again comes back to the data item name.
document.formWarpRequest._oLstChoicesIID[0].text = 'YOUR TEXT';
I am using 8.3 ........
Thanx in Advance....
Why don't you just use a multiple value prompt and allow the user to select some or all of the countries?
Thank you for your reply Cognos_Guru.
But,I this is not the case for milti-select. When a data item is taken as a use value the name of that data item comes as first item in the drop down onselecting that displays the whole countries (in my example) , i need to change only that name .....
Just add one more data item in the query and drag and drop Country_Desc data item as the expression.
Use the new data item as the use and display value for your prompt. Rename the prompt parameter to 'ALL COUNTRIES'.