Hi gurus,
My company recently migrated from ReportNet to Cognos8 BI. Now, we need to migrate the existing data, in other words, migrate the content store of reportnet to that of C8. How do I do it? Will there be any issues with the schema of . Please let me know if you foresee any issue's that I might run into if I export and Import the Content store between RPN and C8.
Your help is appreciated
Thanks in Advance,
you actually wanted to get all the content under public folders in reportnet into cognos 8. correct?
the only way to do this by exporting the entire content store from the content administration in repornet and then import it into the cognos 8.
when you do this you will have a lot of radio buttons that you may need to select. i would leave them have defaults, bring the content into cognos 8 and setup the security afresh. this is the best way to do.
if you import the security also, it would all mess up in cognos 8. there are lot of new built-in roles in cognos 8, so you might want to leverage them for your security.
crn to c8 migration means a lot. there is difinitely a big overhead on all the stake holders.
you would need to validate every single report in c8. there are 95% chances that every complex report would fail to validate automatically after migration. so you will also need to open your reportnet FM models in c8 BI FM to upgrade them, validate, repair and publish the packages. then once again validate your reports. most likely they should work. some cognos built-in functions like average have changed cognos 8 onwards. so you will have to replace all such functions in your reports to make them work in cognos 8x bi.
hope this helps to some extent.