I'm adding on to an existing ETL job that drops a few tables and reloads them with the latest data. Unfortunately I can't touch that and in Informix, any associated views automatically get dropped. What I'd like to do is create an SQL Node within DM to either create the view or call a procedure (within Informix) to recreate the views. However, I keep getting an error whenever I try to exec even a simple procedure or use the "create view 'informix'.test_proc_v" statement. The error is:
'PrepareSelect' returned with 1 message
DS-DBMS-E400: UDA driver reported the following on connection 'D_ifx-dwhdbnet_records':
<Message Name="CCLMessage" File="udamsgs" Severity="Error" Nesting="1" ><MessageComponents ID="0xffffffb7" ><MessageParms><MessageParm Name="CCLMessageParm" Type="string" Value="prepare" /></MessageParms></MessageComponents></Message>
I've checked my connection and it has all of the privileges required so I'm at a loss. Is this even a good way to go about recreating the views?
Edited: I figured out what my problem was concerning the error, I was trying to test it like a query and not run it like an executable. However, I'm still interested if there is a better way of doing this?