I have the following output:
USI Period Month Allocated Amount
U1 Historical FY04Jan $10
U1 Historical FY05Feb $12
U1 Current FY09Jan $15
U2 Historical FY05Feb $12
U2 Historical FY09Jan $18
U3 Current FY09Jan $30
I need to filter out the USIs which are 'Current' and have no 'Historical' Period. I.e. I want the records like U3 Current FY09Jan $30
I have tried all sorts of boolean expressions but can't seem to get it right. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.
Are you saying you want something that only has "Current"? Sounds like you might need to make a view or query subject in FM to provide only data that meets this criteria.
Yes, only current, if it has historical or historical and current, I don't want it. Thanks.
If did not get this yet..
Try detail filter like this.It usually works for me
[USI]='U3' and [Period]='Current'
Good Luck
Create 2 queries, one having current period USIs and one having Historical USIs.
join(inner) them based on USIs and fetch the Current period USIs from the first query.