Does anyone know if it's possible to change the "Search" in Cognos Connection to default to searching for: "Name or Description" as opposed to "Name Field". (some users aren't clever enough to change it on there own)
...this is 8.2.
This is possible in cognos 8.4.there Direct option is available.
You can do this by modifying the internals. I'm using 8.4, but I have no reason to think the 8.2 version will be much different.
open ..\c8\templates\ps\logicsheets\presentation\main\search.xsl
look for this section:
<out:variable name="field">
<out:variable name="f" select="string(key('env-param','sfield'))"/>
<out:when test="$singleField != ''"><out:value-of select="$singleField"/></out:when>
<out:when test="($f = 'k' or $f = '')">
<out:when test="$indexSearch='true' and $userCanUseIndexSearch">
<out:value-of select="'k'"/>
<out:value-of select="'n'"/>
<out:value-of select="$f"/>
change the <out:value-of select="'n'"/> to <out:value-of select="'nd'"/>
Note, single quote inside double quote.
n is for Name
d is for Description
and nd is for Name and Description
I cannot stress enough the importance of backing up any internal file before modifying it! A single misplaced comma will often be enough to prevent Cognos from loading.
ah brilliant. thanks for that.
is that work for cognos 10.2 ? because there is a Full text and all fields option
what i really want is to set the Name field option as the default selection instead of Full text and all fields option
This doesn't seem to work for Cognos 10.2 , anyone any idea how to change the Default Search to "Name or Description" in Cognos 10.2 ?