When using C8.4 I get the following problem:
When I use one query I enable the checkbox for downdrill in ReportStudio (Data -> Drill Behavior -> Allow drill-up and drill-down) and it works fine.
When I join two Query and enable the same checkbox, I can't drill in the report. Does anyone get explane this ?
When building the same report in C8.2 it works fine.
It looks like whenever I join / union a query, the drill functionality doesn't work.
Please help!
Correct... Join Queries and Unions are relational techniques which indeed eliminate the Dimensional Drill-Down/Up functionality.
Join queries are not generally used in Dimensional Report authoring. There is a Dimensional function to do Unioning.
Examine why you are doing a join in your report, and try to move that join back into your model, so that you can preserve your Dimensional drilling capability.
Thanks for your reply.
Joins and unions and drill-down / drill-up works fine in C8.2, so I don't understand why it does not work in 8.4 anymore?
I use this a lot with dimensional models.
Can you explane more about "There is a dimensional function to do unioning"?
From the attached document:
3.55 union
union ( set_exp1 , set_exp2 [ , ALL ] )
This function returns the union of 2 sets "set_exp1" and "set_exp2".
The result retains duplicates only when the optional keyword ALL is
supplied as the third argument.
union(set([Camping Equipment], [Golf Equipment]), set([Golf
Equipment], [Mountaineering Equipment]))
union(set([Camping Equipment], [Golf Equipment]), set([Golf
Equipment], [Mountaineering Equipment]), all)