I Created Multidimensional report.that report contains Account Group Cds and Actual,Budget.When i select drill up and drill down checkbox for allowing drilling analysis in drill behaviour option,it is showing underlined for that fields when i run the report.my users wants to see the data without underlines.How we can do this....PLS Help it
Unlock the item that has the hyperlink/underline using the padlock at the top
Click on the link itself (it should be column name but underlined and in blue)
Scroll to the bottom of the properties box on the left to Miscellaneous and under "Classes" you should have something saying Hyperlink
Click on that, hit delete and re-run the report
Everything should be black and not underlined but you can still drill-through
I tried but it works for drill through not for drill down and drill up
I don't know if you can do it RS ....if you can, it sure is buried.
however, I do think you can edit your style sheet:
for example, if you are using the "Business" style ...go here:
C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\webcontent\skins\business\ans
...and edit the .css:
...and edit this style:
text-decoration: underline;
good luck!
I tried in RS And We Edit explore.css files also but we didnot get the result
so pls help detailed other steps