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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: anilkumar on 01 Apr 2009 07:49:01 AM

Title: d-link deleted
Post by: anilkumar on 01 Apr 2009 07:49:01 AM

if i deleted d-link what  kind of problems will come??
once deleted is it possible to get back same d-link and is it possible to update??

please explain some what depthhhhh

and also how to solve this problem please see the attachment.

thanks and regards
anil kumar

Title: Re: d-link deleted
Post by: mrobby on 01 Apr 2009 04:20:39 PM
Im not exactly sure what you are asking here but it appears that you have d links that violate contributor rules.

To fix the problems it appears you need to add the e list to some of your cubes or remove the Dlinks from the update list of the target cubes in the errors. 

If the target cubes are missing an e list then you will need to add the e list and synchronize which will cause data loss in the contrib model.

If the links in that list are in error then you can remove them from the DLink Update list for the target cubes of the errors and then synchronize.  I would personally determine the purpose of these links that are in error and either fix the issues that are causing the error or go ahead and remove the links from the update list and then delete them so as to clean up the library.