Hi ya,
I am quite new to the scorecarding/dashbording part of COGNOS Could some of you give me a clear picture about Metrics Manager, Metrics Designer and Metrics Studio. Am bit confused about it. All your thoughts are highly Appreciated. Cheers
I found a publication ..IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence (The Official Guide) by Dan Volitich; based on Cognos 8 BI Version 8.3
It is extremely helpful with Metrics, Framework Manager, Report, etc.
Basically you have two components:
1> Metrics Designer - It's like a Framework Manager tool. You create the Metric Package, define the Metrics and create the metric extract here. It does not only read the data from the source but also writes the data to another database called Metric Store. This process is called extract (like an ETL).
2> Once you have your metrics defined, then you open the metrics in Metrics Studio and do all the fancy stuff like creating diagrams, reports etc.