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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: Preethi on 26 Mar 2009 09:28:02 PM

Title: 1 Million Cells Per elist item
Post by: Preethi on 26 Mar 2009 09:28:02 PM
Hi Folks,

What is the affect of 1 million cells per elist item?

And how do we calculate the cells per elist item?

I would appreciate if someone explains with an example... :)

And also how we increase the performance when model size is beyond 1 million cells?


Title: Re: 1 Million Cells Per elist item
Post by: cbrandt on 26 Mar 2009 11:17:12 PM
Hi Peethi,

You can see the exact number of cells per elist item in Contributor Administration Console under Development>Application Maintenance>Application Details.

Although 1 million cells is usually still workable/acceptable for end users in terms of performance, that is for me personally the passmark where I start thinking about options to improve performance.
There are many ways to improve performance and most of them are depending on the model, the design and the requirements.
One is the previous discussed cut down option, but that should be the last resort and only be used if it can't be solved with a different design.
Design changes can be for example a different dimension as elist or the incorporation of another DList in the elist. But that depends on the required user access, planning workflow process, etc.

Check which cubes have a big sparcity (lot of empty cells) and focus on these.

Another option is to use DList formatted items as "virtual dimensions". For example if you have 1200 employees in a company, but a maximum of 50 employees per cost center (eList). You can use a DList with number 1 to 50 and include the employee name  or number as a text field in another dimension.

Or combining DList if you have a unique relationship (hierarchies). For example Products and Product Groups . Assuming that each Product would belong only to one Product Group, you would use PG as subtotals in the Product hierarchy. Obvious, but you get the concept and it could be applied to other scenarios, i.e Customers and Regions (if unique, etc.)

Hope that helps.

Title: Re: 1 Million Cells Per elist item
Post by: satay2hot on 02 Apr 2009 12:21:18 AM
I was told the limit for each e-list is 1.4Million. Theorectically 1 Million cell is technically feasible

Title: Re: 1 Million Cells Per elist item
Post by: jan.herout on 08 Apr 2009 10:01:34 AM
I am just curious - why do you think the limit is 1.4M ?