Hi All,
I am getting below error while bursting 800 reports.
Original Error: RSV-SRV-0040 An application error has occurred. Contact your Administrator.
CCLOutOfMemoryError:300:Fatal: Out of memory
RSV-SRV-0042 Trace back:
If I burst the 10 - 20 reports then I am able to get the output.
But my bursting would fail in 800 reports case scenario.
If I burst the same reports from another Cognos server (we have two environments for cognos) then I am able to get the outputs.
Pls advice.
We have 2 gb RAM on cognos 8 server.
2Gb is the bare minimum as suggested by Cognos for C8. Adding RAM would be the first thing to try..
I had the same in 8.2 - nothing helped, in 8.3 no more problems.
Quote from: billylodz on 25 Mar 2009 05:54:41 AM
I had the same in 8.2 - nothing helped, in 8.3 no more problems.
We are using 8.3 only
Hi guys I am still figuring the solution'
But the Todays findings are.
We have two environment (QA and R&D)on both the cognos server we have 2 GB ram.
Well on both the environment when we burst the report the two BIBUSTKServerMain.exe started on each server.
Secondly on one server the JAVA.exe is consuming more memory than BIBUSTKServerMain.exe .
But on the othet server the BIBUSTKServerMain.exe is consuming more memory than JAVA.exe .
Third I changed the 1024 mb memory in cognos configuration to 768 mb .
according to below detail which i got from cognos knowledge base
Changing Memory Settings suggested by Cognos:
The memory settings of your application server dictate the memory that is available to IBM Cognos
8 dispatchers and services managed by the Java servlet.
In IBM Cognos Configuration, the default memory allocation is 768 Megabytes. If you expect many
users and report requests, you may want to increase the memory allocation beyond the default.
The memory allocation strategy for your application server depends on the available capacity of
your resources, and on the resource needs of other applications running on the server. In general,
we recommend that you configure your application server with a minimum of 512 Megabytes of
memory for multi-user applications. You may be able to reduce application server memory to 256
Kilobytes, but you should only consider this for single users, or for proof of concept or demonstration
Yesterday I bursted the 800 reports on server,but we get only 498 outputs other reports failed due to the below error.
RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlOpenResult' status='-28'. UDA-
SQL-0114 The cursor supplied to the operation "sqlOpenResult" is inactive. UDA-SQL-0107 A
general exception has occurred during the operation "AOpen".
Then after that i tried to burst the another reports but I was getting the same error.
I tried to run the reports with save output option (which save the output of the report),but I was
getting the same error.
If I restart the server again I knew the problem would resolved and I would be able to burst the reports
again but after bursting the 400 reports out of 800 the server would definitely failed (we did this option
Then I logged into the cognos server and found there are two 'BIBusTKServerMain.exe' processes are on the
server but one of which consuming the 913,876k RAM which left only 3mb RAM on server
Then I killed that process which was consuming a lot of RAM in IDLE state.
After that I bursted 10 reports and got the outputs all the 10 .
May be after completion of process the cognos processes not releasing the memory or cognos processes got stuck.
I am sttill finding the solution how to burst all the 800 reports in single cycle.
I also set the local cache property of the queries to 'NO' in the report.
I think your actions do not concur with the KB article. You decreased available memory, whereas the KB suggests increasing it. I am no expert on Cognos capacity issues, but bursting 800 reports seems quite a lot for a mere 2GB of RAM. How much RAM is allotted to the database server? It looks like overload as well..
Did you check on the number of sessions opened on the database server? The SQlOpenResult message suggest that there is an issue with servicing all the calls to the database..
I was doing some analysis on cognos server machine and it seems that Garbage collector for "BIBusTKServerMain.exe" in not working properly. I submitted one batch Job yesterday , which was failed after 13 hours. Since then we didn't run any report and batch service is idle for last 12 hours. However its still showing high memory utilization. Please find below details about various steps I carried out and my observations,
Steps :
Cognos server was started on "04/01/2009 6:35:13 AM".
Report batch Job was submitted on "04/01/2009 6:49:30 AM".
Report Job failed after 12 hours i.e. "04/01/2009 6:52:22 PM"
No new job was submitted after that.
Observation :
One "BIBusTKServerMain.exe" service was created when Cognos server was started i.e. at "04/01/2009 6:35:13 AM".
Second "BIBusTKServerMain.exe" service was created when Report Job was started i.e. at "04/01/2009 6:49:30 AM".
Initially both the report services were showing minimum CPU and memory utilization.
Memory utilization for second process started growing as Cognos started report output generation for batch Job.
Memory utilization for second service reached to a peak value and report started failing.
We tried to run a single report but even that stopped working.
Second "BIBusTKServerMain.exe" is still showing heavy memory utilization while no one is using Dev-05 server.
Screen shot of process tree of cognos server machine which I captured at ''04/02/2009 5:05:01 AM'' is attached.
(The'BIBusTKServerMain.exe' process highlighted in blue, which is consuming heavy memory utilization )
Per our understanding second "BIBusTKServerMain.exe" should release VM once report execution is completed but it seems that its not able to release this extra memory. As a result we are getting
"RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlOpenResult' status='-28'. UDA-SQL-0114 The cursor supplied to the operation "sqlOpenResult" is inactive. UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "AOpen"
error when we are trying to invoke new process (report).
Hello Abhishek,
Please let me the solution for the below issuse ....right now we are facing the same iisssuse in PRD which is very urgent.
Please let me know what are changes that i need to do.
Quote from: abhishek dharga on 04 Apr 2009 08:29:14 AM
I was doing some analysis on cognos server machine and it seems that Garbage collector for "BIBusTKServerMain.exe" in not working properly. I submitted one batch Job yesterday , which was failed after 13 hours. Since then we didn't run any report and batch service is idle for last 12 hours. However its still showing high memory utilization. Please find below details about various steps I carried out and my observations,
Steps :
Cognos server was started on "04/01/2009 6:35:13 AM".
Report batch Job was submitted on "04/01/2009 6:49:30 AM".
Report Job failed after 12 hours i.e. "04/01/2009 6:52:22 PM"
No new job was submitted after that.
Observation :
One "BIBusTKServerMain.exe" service was created when Cognos server was started i.e. at "04/01/2009 6:35:13 AM".
Second "BIBusTKServerMain.exe" service was created when Report Job was started i.e. at "04/01/2009 6:49:30 AM".
Initially both the report services were showing minimum CPU and memory utilization.
Memory utilization for second process started growing as Cognos started report output generation for batch Job.
Memory utilization for second service reached to a peak value and report started failing.
We tried to run a single report but even that stopped working.
Second "BIBusTKServerMain.exe" is still showing heavy memory utilization while no one is using Dev-05 server.
Screen shot of process tree of cognos server machine which I captured at ''04/02/2009 5:05:01 AM'' is attached.
(The'BIBusTKServerMain.exe' process highlighted in blue, which is consuming heavy memory utilization )
Per our understanding second "BIBusTKServerMain.exe" should release VM once report execution is completed but it seems that its not able to release this extra memory. As a result we are getting
"RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlOpenResult' status='-28'. UDA-SQL-0114 The cursor supplied to the operation "sqlOpenResult" is inactive. UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "AOpen"
error when we are trying to invoke new process (report).