Hi ,
My requirement is like this. (Assume, in this crosstab all values are rounded up)
Col A Col B COL C ([col B] / [col A] )
ROW A Row 1 3 6 2
Row 2 5 15 3 . .
Sub Total 8 21 5
But I need subtotal of COL C should be total ([col B]) / total([col A]) ( 21 / 8 = 3)
Could you please help me on it.
total(col B)/total(col A)
21 / 8 = 2.625 ...rounded up to 3
Thanks for your response.
I am sorry for this confusion.
I want total(Col B) / total(Col A) = ( 21 / 8 = 3) = round(2.625,0)
But the report is displaying total(Col B/ Col A)= ( 2+3=5)
I want 3 ,instead of 5, in the insection of Col C and subtotal row.
Could please let me now how to get it.
Thanks in advance.
Solve order
Just modify the data item's expression to be how you want it!!!!
Hi All,
Thank you very much for you reply.
Billylodge: could you please let me know how to apply the solve order.
Rocktopmark: I have created data item for total(Col B) / total(Col A). Please help me how to use it in the intersection of subtotal and Col C.
- Unlock the report...
- Set Define Contents = Yes for that cell
- Drag that Item into the cell
try aggregate not total