In a lot of my reports I nest details underneath a data item, however, I dont want them seen on the report. How do I hide them?
Example of column
Month To Date
Revenue (I want Revenue hidden since Revenue is in the title of the report)
Thank you!
Did you try the class 'don't print'?
YOu could try in the properties "Box Type" = None another way
It's usinf the class "Don't print" but you need to configure in the properties the "Source Type" to text.
I am not familar on how to try the class 'dont print'. Where can I do this?
I tried the box type = none just now, but what happens when i select box type none on a row item is it shifts my measures box to the left and then the measure intersection is not lined up with the columns.
Then when i select box type = none for the column item (which is a data item not a member) It doesn't remove the box, particulary when I export to Excel.
Please Advise, its much appreciated!!!
I found the classes property and selected dont print (source type = text)
and in Excel it doesnt hide the box. I think I should clarify, I am trying to get the report to look proper in Excel.
This is what I have been doing is I changed the source type to "report expression" So it doesnt display anything. The issue is, it looks good when you run the report HTML, but when I export to Excel it has the boxes and they kill the look of the report.
What else can I try?
Please review this post.
You have to add a crosstab space for each box type=none to the right.