please anybody help me out with details please .....
migrating form v8 to v8.4
thankx in advance
???????? :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
thank you
Pooja, you aren't really helping yourself with posts like this.
If you want others to help you, try being a little more detailed as to what you are after, provide examples of where you are having a specific problem, tell us what documentation you have read, etc etc... and I'm sure people on here will help.
we have v8 at present....
now we are going to have v8.4 i am wondering what will be the process....since i never been in such situation.......
any suggestion and guidance kindly appreciated...
you're first step will be consulting the documentation.
start here:
ok then what next please...
What issues do you now have?
Have you searched this forum?
I did a quick search and found this topic on my first go:,3605.0.html (,3605.0.html)
I've just done (yesterday) a 8.3 > 8.4 upgrade
Remember in theory, 8>8.4 is not a migration but more an upgrade - I think migration is more for 7>8 for instance
It's not difficult especially if its not multi-server environment
if you need a hand, we can take this off-air if needed