I am creating cognos report using stacked chart and I am facing some issues in same:
1) I am creating a report using 100% Stacked Chart. Besides percentage I want to show the absolute value as well in chart so is there way to achieve this.
2) In the above report along with the Stacked chart I also wants to put a crosstab side by side but when I try to create crosstab it always comes below chart which waste lot of space so is there some layout where I can put crosstab on the side of Stacked Chart ?
3) I have two tables A and B. A has column C1 and B has column C2. Both of the columns has distinct category values A,B and C.
Now I want to display a chart which shows values for each category in percentage. For e.g (count(c2)/Count(C1))*100 for each category. How to achieve this ? Do i need to create relationship/measure ?? Basic issue is how to link these two tables.
It will be helpful if someone can help.