Hi guys. Hopefully this is a straightforward question and answer. I want to move my reports on Cognos 8.4 to a different machine. The other machine is also running Cognos 8.4 with the same architecture. I cannot find documentation on how to migrate my actual reports. Anyone done something to this effect?
Get a copy of the admin guide & search for 'deployment'
Under configuration --> content administration you'll find the option to create a new export definition.
We usually create an export folder in development and copy all reports that need migrating to this folder. Then we define the export to hold this folder and make sure we add the corresponding packages.
After running the export we take the .zip , copy this to the test server (deployment folder) and perform an import (much the same way) In test we copy/paste the reports to the right folders.
You basically need to set all parameters on the export right (takes some thinking) to avoid overwriting rights and such.
The Cognos admin GUI is a bit of a mess, but it is all there.
You didnt mention whether you have the same package in the other server or not.. any ways
You can migrate the reports or pakcages from content administration like "blom0344" said, but
If you dont have more reports you can simply copy the specification of the each and every report form the Tools in file menu and can open and save the report in other server.
Just cause it is possible does not mean that it is a sound way. Cognos offers a fully implemented migration utility including audit trail etc. Why bother copy/paste xml definitions with all possible risks involved (naming, assigning packages etc)
Thanks guys, much appreciated!