Does anyone know how to resize a tree prompt box?
I went to the size & overflow and putting numbers 150 for example, and I dont see any changes or effect.
Please advise, thank you!!
Just keep it in a "Block" and set height and width for that "Block" , belows the height and width you can see 4 properties select the last one ["Always use scrill bars"].
Hope this will help you.
I just checked it, you can even set the height and width of the Tree Prompt, what exactly you wanna do..,.
Perfect thanks for the help!
Versions 8.3 and back have a bug... tree prompt resizing will not work. There is a HotFix available for 8.3. Not sure if fixed in 8.4 or not.
Ohh okey, I have checked in 8.2, there I can resize Tree prompt, didnt check in 8.3, That case using Block is the solution to resize Tree prompt is 8.3.
Yeah the block solution worked for me, im on 8.3. Thank you!
I appreciate the feedback given so far, but the blocking solution isnt' working for me. Could anyone call out the name of the hotfix solution suggested so that I may pass it on? We are currently using 8.3.
Much appreciated! ;D