Hi All;
Congos 8.2 - installed on WinSvr2003SP2 w/ a SQL2005SP3(Dvlpr Ed.) backend...
While trying to initialize a new metric store, I get a CMM-SYS-5999...
CMM-APP-3254 The initialization of the metrics store failed. DIS-ERR-3115 Task execution failed.
DIS-RUN-3446 Illegal access to driver object of class 'com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLDriver'.
(Let me know if should post the Exception Details - it's long...)
- The metric store was created using cmm_create_db
- Tried db in both sqlSvr compatibility levels 80 (2000) & 90 (2005)
- Tried giving Data Source signon SA rights on db instance (already mapped as dbo to metric store)
- Tried burning a straw doll in effigy in the back parking lot
Nothing works...
Here's all CogSupport has to say about it...
- http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21370802
Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!
Thank you!
One additional note - the first time going through this, I was getting a ...
CMM-APP-3254 The initialization of the metrics store failed.
DIS-ERR-3115 Task execution failed.
MDS-RUN-3213 Unable to locate database bulk load utility. Please install the appropriate database tool for this platform ('bcp' for SQL Server, 'sqlldr' for Oracle)
CogSupport told me to tag a port number onto the db serverName.., so I did, even though its a default instance (<serverName>, 1433).
- http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21370700
K-- here's a better attempt (perhaps) to clarify my prol'em...
Relative to defining the data source connection string for the metric store in Cognos Connection...
>> Directory - Data Sources - Set Properties - Connection - (edit pencil) - Server name:
*** When trying to initialize the metric store in Metric Studio, I get one of the following errors...
If SQLSvrName/Port is specified as SQLSvrName, Port (comma, space), I get...
CMM-APP-3254 The initialization of the metrics store failed. DIS-ERR-3115 Task execution failed.
DIS-RUN-3446 Illegal access to driver object of class 'com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLDriver'.
If SQLSvrName/Port is specified as SQLSvrName,Port (comma,nospace) -- or no port is specified at all, I get...
CMM-APP-3254 The initialization of the metrics store failed. DIS-ERR-3115 Task execution failed.
MDS-RUN-3213 Unable to locate database bulk load utility. Please install the appropriate database tool for this platform ('bcp' for SQL Server, 'sqlldr' for Oracle)
This error only occurs when trying to initialize the metric store in Metric Studio. In either case, the data source connection string tests successful.
When you open a cmd on the server and type in bcp.exe what do you get?
Quote from: smiley on 06 Mar 2009 11:21:08 AM
When you open a cmd on the server and type in bcp.exe what do you get?
Hey smiley -- thank you for responding...
bcp.exe executes from anywhere on the machine, returning help -- usage: bcp {yada-yada...}
Path variable is set -- SET command confirms it.
The initiase proces writes exact missing requirements to a logfile in c8\program files\cognos\c8\log\cmm
Can you go through them, and let us know where it stops on.
Quote from: dutchcogtechie on 07 Mar 2009 09:20:45 AM
The initiase proces writes exact missing requirements to a logfile in c8\program files\cognos\c8\log\cmm.
Hi dutch...
I don't have a ..\logs\ccm\ folder... But, I do have a ..\logs\MetricStoreInstall\COGNOSMS-2009. folder. ..and the install_check.log file reads...
Starting database pre-install checks at Wed Mar 04 10:45:53 EST 2009
Checking database version compatibility...PASSED
Checking for presence of dbowner role...PASSED
Checking database to see if schema is free of other objects...PASSED
Checking for presence of bulk loader tool (sqlldr)...FAILEDChecking database collation settings...PASSED
Creating installed objects table......
Finished database pre-install checks at Wed Mar 04 10:45:53 EST 2009
SQL2005 tools - specifically, BCP.., is loaded on the server... But according to this log, it looks like it's trying to find the Oracle bulk loader (sqlldr)???
Thanks for your help dutch...
Steve/. . ..
Can you recreate the datasource to your sql based metrics database, and start from scratch?
If it still looks for the sqlldr.exe, add the path to the bcp.exe at the beginnin gof the path variables of your application server. make sure to end this path variable with /
Quote from: dutchcogtechie on 09 Mar 2009 05:51:56 PM
..add the path to the bcp.exe at the beginnin gof the path variables of your application server. make sure to end this path variable with /
No joy ---
I recreated both the metric store database (for good measure) & datasource to that database.
Here's what the PATH environment variable looks like on the app server (CR's added for readability)...
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\;
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\;
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\;
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\
*** BCP.exe lives in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\ folder.
Thanks again for helping dutch... I do appreciate it. This is getting a bit frustrating.
Cognos kb article 1031049.1 refers to the sql server account not having enough access rights.
Can you doublecheck that you're using sql authentication, that the user has db_owner rights for the cmm database, and that he has server role "sysadmin" allowed during the initializing proces.
(you can revoke that server role directly after finishing the initialize)
named instance of SQL Server? The only formats for me that have worked in Cognos (haven't tried it for Metrics) is either
Host:port (colon, not comma) or
I've not seen a connection using a comma
Quote from: SomeClown on 11 Mar 2009 06:52:07 AM
I've not seen a connection using a comma
Hi SC -- Yea.., I agree, the comma thing is kind'a strange. But, that's what Cognos Support is saying...
What makes it even weirder, the sql svr isn't even a named instance.., it's a default install <SQLSvrName>,1433. I guess, Metric Studio needs that port number (assumes no defaults) in the construct of its connection string back to the metric store database.
Quote from: dutchcogtechie on 10 Mar 2009 03:35:54 PM
Cognos kb article 1031049.1 refers to...
Hi dutch -- After recreating both, the metric store & datasource connecting to it (a few times) and a Cognos Restart, we finally got the metric store to initialize - kind'a. I have no idea what fixed it - I'm guessing that even though a SET cmd confirmed the PATH env var edit stuck, Cognos needed a restart to catch on. I did make sure that the datasource signon has SA rights for the bulk load for the metric store to initialize (good call on your part). We're also now using the MSSQL 2005 NCLI connector when defining the metric store datasource (was using MSSQL OLE DB) - I don't know if that had any impact. Prolly, just the restart did the trick.
We're still missing something though... It appears that Metric Studio has lost its skins - no styles are being brought over from Cognos Connection when launched.
Thank you both very much for your help!
Quote from: Steve@GP on 11 Mar 2009 09:52:32 AM
It appears that Metric Studio has lost its skins...
ok.., never mind -- dumb user case... We were just missing a ..webcontent\skins\<name>\cmm\ folder. Looks like we're all good-to-go.
dutch... & SC -- thanks again for your help! Now.., let's see what else I can break ;)
Best regards;