I have question about weeks.
in my model fiscal week starts from sunday to saturday
I have to create report for last 8 weeks where week start from
Monday to Sunday.
to get 8 weeks I am using below function:
[CY Week] between(_add_days({sysdate},-105)) and({sysdate})
it is giving correct answer. but showing week start and end is sunday to saturday
I need Monday to Sunday.
Any idea how to get this.
Can you please provide which type of model your using . I.e. Relational or Dimentional.
if it is dimentional , while creting cube we can specify the Week start day and end day as per our requirement. This solution would be at cube level only and we have to specify while creation of cube.
If your Model is dimetional, provide some screenshot...of Report data ,that how your getting.......