We have created a report from the cube source. This gives the output in proper form while opening in html. But when we open it in PDF, each line has split into many lines and it looks in a different way than expected. I have used cross tabs on tables.
Many thanks,
Hello, Can you please provide some screen shot...
I am sorry, i cant send the screen shot as because of security reasons.
It is like... An html page is vertically split into 3 areas and each of them is showing in seperate page while opening in pdf.
You can uncheck the Hoorizontal Pagination property of the Crosstab.Just check wether this helps your cause
You can also try this option,
Click on table in which you inerted objects which you need to show in one line,
In properties pane under Font & Text set 'White Space' property as "No Wrap".
I am busy with cooking the dish with proper ingredients now, and i will look into serving this in different vessels( PDF, xml) later. I will let you know the result once i try this again.
Thanks Rajesh and Pramod for you suggestions