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Scorecarding and Dashboard Software => COGNOS Metrics Manager => Topic started by: SDN on 01 Mar 2009 10:44:17 PM

Title: Different calculation in different levels of scorecard.
Post by: SDN on 01 Mar 2009 10:44:17 PM
Hi All,
I am new to Cognos Metrics Manager. I am using Cognos Metrics Studio 8.3 and Cognos Metric Designer 8.3.

I have three levels in my scorecard hierarchy .But each level has different calculation for the metrics.

As an example:
Say, A retailer categorize their products in three levels 1.Product line 2.Product Type and 3.Product Item, where each Product Line has Several Product type and each Product Type having many Product Items. They

want to see revenue as a metric in the following way:
1. Product Item level should show the average of each day revenue for a month.
2. The Product Type level should show the weighted average of the metrics values from Product Item level for each Product Type for a month. The weights value for calculating weighted average is coming from database.
3. In the same way Product Line should show the weighted average of the metrics values from Product Type level.

Also YTD values are required for the above levels.

Is there any way to achieve the above scenario?

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Different calculation in different levels of scorecard.
Post by: Gerald Donovan on 25 Mar 2009 03:24:22 AM
I could be wrong, but I don't believe Metrics Studio is capable of calculating weighted averages.

You'll need to pre-calculate the averages before importing into Metrics Studio.