Is it possible that when I click the data in cross table it will drill down to a more detailed table?
Yes, you can drill down in Cross tab too.. but your package should be a dimentional package to have the facilities of drillup and drill down
I Tried to use the Drill behavior since I'm using a dimensional package, but is it also possible that I can drill down by clicking the measures used in the table?
Even though its a dimentional package, you can not do Drill up and Drill down with the Fact cells, you can do only at either rows are columns, and you should make sure that you checked the check box "Allow drill-up and drill-down" at Drill behavior [which is in Data Tab from Tool bar]
Is this limitation also apply in the cognos 8.3 version? or is there other way to make the measures act as a link that will jump to other pages once clicked?
Thank You for the response!
Yeah, same in Cognos 8.3 too...