Any one help me how to install cognos 8.4 Planning in single computer.
Any body have documentation or installation screenshots could you please share with me.
i.e Great help me to installation.
Please send the doumentation to zilani_n@yahoo.co.in
There is an install guide for this purpose that is bundled with the software.
Is there any scrrenshots are there to install planning?
No, the Cognos guides only come with pictures in the architecture guides. (also included when you install it)
If you do not feel comfortable installing this, how about contacting Cognos for a one day visit to get the job done, including some on-the-job training?
It's really not that hard to install the software all on one PC.
You need a database for the content store installed and running.
IIS needs to be installed for the website.
If you are installing the BI and Planning then use the same SQL Server/Oracle instance for the BI datastore and the planning data.
I was given access to a single server where I loaded up 8.4 to test out and it was pretty easy. I will say that performance can take a hit doing it this way but a lot of the defaults for the Cognos setup are set to local host so there aren't a whole lot of changes that need to be made.