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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: MrChasCognos on 24 Feb 2009 03:38:05 PM

Title: Relational(Oracle) and OLAP in Same query
Post by: MrChasCognos on 24 Feb 2009 03:38:05 PM
Hi All,

We are on version 8.2 of Cognos and have a Package that contains both relational and OLAP dataSources.

The Relational data Source contains goal data/threshold data and a Year to correspond to the goals. The Cube contains Year in it as well. I threw and IF then Else condtion into a work field that looks like below and I am getting and error. Anyone ever try this or know what I am doing wrong?

if (caption([dsMS_HR_Scorecard_Transfer_Staffing_Cube].[Target Year].[Target Year].[Target Year1]) = [Technical View].[REPORT_METRIC].[REPORT_PERIOD_CODE])
THEN ('yes')
ELSE ('no')

Got this Error:

GEN-ERR-0011 Pattern 'providerQuery' is not supported in 'OlapQueryProvider'

Title: Re: Relational(Oracle) and OLAP in Same query
Post by: SanderH on 25 Feb 2009 03:20:34 AM
Oracle OLAP is not supported by Cognos ... this will most probably cause the error.
Title: Re: Relational(Oracle) and OLAP in Same query
Post by: blom0344 on 25 Feb 2009 04:00:38 AM

If then else will be treated like an SQL expression. I do not think you can address your cube data this way. Did you try an MDX version of the expression?
Title: Re: Relational(Oracle) and OLAP in Same query
Post by: MrChasCognos on 25 Feb 2009 02:41:41 PM
Let me clarify..

The expression above is coming from to different Data Sources:

cognos PowerPlay Cube

Oracle 10

PowerPlay Cube as the Actual Data
Oracle has the Goal Data
Common Field is year as seen above.    Cognos's OLAP engine does support IF then Else...  but when combing relationa field and Cube field in a comparison I am getting the error above.... 

How that makes things more clearer.... 


Title: Re: Relational(Oracle) and OLAP in Same query
Post by: blom0344 on 26 Feb 2009 01:23:11 AM
What is the datasource type interface for the Oracle datasource? If this is OL then it will try to use OLE_DB (which only works for MS SQL) and hence an error