while trying to create chart report out of union query, it is giving me the error "RQP-DEF-0526 , QueryReuse: the generated sql is not supported locally". Whereas the same query is working for list.
i have two queries containing same data items but different filter.In query 1 ,I have a data item called no which is having a value as '1'.and query 2 have the no as '2'. and after unioning two queries , I am creating calculated data items as Revenue 1 is "if (unionquery . no ='1') then (revenue) else (0)" and Revenue 2 is "if (unionquery . no ='2') then (revenue) else (0)" .Where I am going wrong? Thanks in advance.
I have a similar problem here..
I have 2 queries that are joined together into one.. on that result I want to make a chart and I get the same error.
Anyone knows a way to handle this?