I need to select different report page based on a value prompt with static values.
Can anyone guide me as to how to do this?
First Take different reports in a page like LIST, CROSS TAB and CHART with your own query items.
Then Take a Value prompt and click on FINISH (Don't select any values in Value prompt). Then enter use value as LIST and Display Value as LIST like this enter values for Cross tab and Chart also.
Then goto Conditional Explorer bar and Take a Srting variable, in Expression editor, click on Parameters tab and drag and drop this parameter1 into Expression Definition box. Click on OK.
Then values like LIST, CROSSTAB, CHART for String variable.
Then goto Page Explorer bar and drag and drop Conditional Bolck to the page. Select Conditional block and in properties set
Block Variable = Select String Variable
Current Block = LIST
Then Select the total LIST and drag and drop into Conditional block.
Then Click other part of the Conditional Block and goto properties and set
Current Block = Crosstab
Then Select the total CROSSTAB and drag and drop into Conditional block.
Then Click other part of the Conditional Block and goto properties and set
Current Block = CHART
Then Select the total CHART and drag and drop into Conditional block.
Now it will shows the different reports as you want that selected in the value prompt.
I think this will meet your requirement.
Hi Kiran,
Thanks for the response. My requirement is actually to show different lists on different report pages(1 to 4) based on static values in a value prompt.
Any inputs on that?
Thanks again
Kiran says correct, i have one more solution.
first create one blank report and goto to the prompt page and then drag and drop the value pompt in the prompt page. don't select any values in that values prompt just drag and drop and click finish.
then in the prompt page only goto FILE menu and select conditional layout and select string variable and give the values like LIST, CROSSTAB and CHART. click ok, it will go to the expression window in that drag and drop the parameter name. click ok
select the value prompt and click on the static choice in properties pane and give the use and display values same like LIST, CROSSTAB AND CHART. click ok.
then see the page explorer the pages are automatically created as LIST CROSSTAB, CHART and default pages.
open the LIST page--> from toolbox drag and drop the list into the page and give the dataitems. same as like for CROSSTAB and CHART pages also.
after that run the report, it is showing as you like.
i think it is also suitable solution for your problem.
any grammer mistakes excuse.
Hi Prasad,
Thanks for your reply. Your solution runs close to what I want.
The thing which is amiss is that using conditional layout on prompt page creates a number of pages which itself have there own Report and Prompt pages.
What I was looking for is:
Report Page:
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Prompt Pages
Prompt Page 1
I hope I am clear with the requirement.
Thanks for the help again
If you are working on 8.3, you can use the "render variable" in the properties of the page object.
You'll have to defined boolean variables that will hide/show the corresponding pages, depending on what is selected in the prompt.
hi kss001,
I used your way.. but its not accurate..
the value selected for chart is cominig under default page..
please help me to resolve this..
Thanks in advance..
I agree with Sunchaser Using Render variable for showing pages based on prompt selection is a good option what you can do is create report in Pages the way you did
Create a variable v_page which will have 4 values ie P1,P2,P3,P4 now set link every page with this variable and link this variable to the actual prompt
we do something similar as sunchase advice's. It 100% works
use the page render property and set it to the appropriate variable created by you. Depending upon what your need is, you may be able to create a string variable so you only have one variable controlling the display of the pages, or you may have to create one variable per choice in the prompt (so 4 variables for a 4 choice prompt) and set each of these variables to something like ParamValue('promptvariable') = value1 and so on.