Hi Guys,
Recently, we add a date filter to one of our reports in order to improved its performance. However, we are getting incorrect results in all columns when the report is run through report studio. But, when I did a tabular view on the queries of the FILTERED report and compare it with the tabular view results of the UNFILTERED report, THEY MATCHED...What do you think guys needs to be done for this kind of issue?
I could try to help if you could provide some more details on the type of report, columns and filters used.
Kindly open the attached files for the details of this issue. I appreciate your assistance in advance.
Hi, the report is a Crosstab !!
I recently has a similar issue in which List output and crosstab output were not matching (you can search my post on the forum with the same issue).
Thing is, cognos applies its Cognos SQL (also know as foolish SQL) over the native SQL, which comes out to be different for crosstab and a list.
So wen u see the tabular output u get correct result as it treats it as list, crosstab gives different result as cognos SQL generated in this case is different.
Try to use query referencing to solve the issue.
Let me know if case you have further problem..
Could you please explain on how you used Query referencing? Better yet, how you were able to resolved your issue? I appreciate your help in advance....:)