Hi Everyone,
We would like to know who is currently logged into Cognos Planning. Session Details only tells me who is logged into CAC and I am pretty sure there is nothing else in CAC that tells us who is logged in through the client (although I might be wrong!). If someone knows a backend method and could outline it, that'd be fine. Then we can report it using C8 BI.
Check on the applications NODESTATE table in EDITINGUSERGUID.
Just wondering a couple of things:
a.) When I look in this table I see a bunch of NULL_CAMID, and also a bunch of stuff like CAMID("Default:u:authid=994106841"). Any ideas how I translate that into names? (We are using Access Manager to control our Users and User Classes - not sure if that makes a difference)
b.) How would you check this across all the applications we have? I was thinking maybe we could use Framework Manager to pull each applications NODESTATE Table into it and then run a report on the appropriate column...is there a better way?