Has anyone seen this error message before? We are working on upgrading from 8.2 to 8.4, and some reports are returning this warning during validation.
RQP-DEF-0578 A grand total will be returned for measure 'Ordered Quantity' in expression '[Product Sales].[Product Sales].[Ordered Quantity]' Either the reporting context of this expression does not define an appropriate scope or the measure is not aggregated.
Just saw the same thing. Will be checking into it with IBM. Let me know if you find something. Thanks.
RQP-DEF-0578 A grand total will be returned for measure 'Open Claim Count' in expression '[Facts].[Claim AsOf Fact].[Open Claim Count]' Either the reporting context of this expression does not define an appropriate scope or the measure is not aggregated.
I think since I posted this, we found that it tended to occur most often when combining some dimensional objects with some relational objects. Since there's no scope relationship between the two objects, a warning gets thrown. Scope relationships only exist between dimensions and facts.
How did you fix this?
For the 8.4 release, many of the syntax checking rules were tightened up, and consequently, expressions which previously parsed successfully suddenly started to flag up warnings or errors in 8.4. In all cases I have seen, the expressions or constructs were not strictly legal anyway, and exploited "loopholes" in the parser in prior releases, or were ambiguous in their scope etc.
If you are seeing particular errors or warnings, post them up and we can try to suggest alternative (more legal) ways of expressing things.
I am getting RQP-DEF-0578 ; Either the reporting context of this expression does not define an appropriate scope or the measure is not aggregated, on a report where the package has a DMR. The report is group on two fields that come from another fact query subject area.
I am trying to summary the timeliness measure from Fact A and the groupings are from a hierarchy in dimension 1 associated with Fact B. Fact A and Fact B are joined based on another dimension 2.
Fact A n-1 Dimension 1
Fact A n-1 Dimension 2
Fact B n-1 dimension 2
Is this because Dimension 1 doesn't have scope set for Fact B? Since it doesn't have a direct relationship, if this is a scope problem how should I go about correcting this since there isn't a direct relationship?