Hi folks, is anyone using VSS or another similar source control system for their Cognos reports? If so, what are you using, and is it working for you?
Is there a better option than third party source control?
VSS would indicate storing the reports as xml definitions. We simply create an archive in Cognos connection and store versions in labelled folders..
Quote from: blom0344 on 09 Feb 2009 02:42:04 PM
VSS would indicate storing the reports as xml definitions.
Is it that simple? Or is deployment more than just putting an XML file on the disk somewhere?
We currently also use a Cognos folder to maintain a kind of versioning environment, but it would be nice to improve upon it.
If you want to store report definitions outside the content store, then you will need to copy the xml to a file. However, the xml definition (syntax) is coupled to the 8.x version!
You will need to open up the reports from xml from within Report Studio.
Deployment is a total different story. That involves creating a package (.zip) and exchanging between 2 Copgnos environments..
I'm new here.
The main reason I joined this forum is to ask about version control.
Currently today, we use Subversion (SVN), but what we save there is the package (.ZIP) of all of our reports.
That means that we really not using version control, but a backup system, because for each small fix in a report, we have to export the whole system again.
Does anyone know of a better option?
Please, it is urgent...
Why not simply create date-stamped backup folders in the content-store (C8 connection)?
That way you only have to copy-paste around..
We use this to our satisfaction
Hi Blom, thanx for the reply.
We can't just use the content store, because we use the SVN for our deployment to clients (we redistribute the system to our clients), and all the rest of the version is in the SVN.
And also:
1. SVN gives you the ability to know what's the difference between two versions.
2. SVN gives you the ability to know who changed what.
3. The server we develop on is not that safe - it is a development server, not something that's being backed up regularly.
What you offer is good for backup (and not a safe one), not version control.
Okay , fair enough.
Your last comment misses the point. A Cognos content store is just a database, which means it should be backed up and therefore the contents is secured like any other database.
Anyway, the Cognos solution is an ugly one anyway.
Storing the whole set on archived folders is not such a bad option , since you can choose which archive to export. However, we use Source Safe for the models, since we do not rely on version control for the packages.
Not backing up a development server is asking for trouble. That is the first candidate for a regular backup!!
I've used VSS on various sites, and it works very well.
....but, I wouldn't bother with the copy/paste xml method.
What you will want to enable is the Report Studio "Allow local file system access" functionality.
...using this, makes Report Studio play very well with VSS (i.e. then it can behave just like any other windows application).
The only sacrificice, is that it compromises the "entirely thin-client" architecture. This functionality does require a small install on each of your Report Studio machines.
Hi David - when you say to set RS to allow local file access, how do you do this? At the report level? also, how do you then bring the report into VSS (I'm a VSS newbie....).
..this is a functionality is Report Studio itself.
It just allows you to save reports to the file system (i.e. just like in microsoft "Word" for example).
Users would:
1) Check out the report from VSS
2) Open the report from Report Studio (via the file system)
3) Check the report back into VSS
...then, ultimately, it would be a single person "publishing" reports from VSS into the portal and going through a change management process.
I believe the Report Studio user guide has info on how to install this plug-in. Just do a search on "File System"
Have a look at BSP Software's Integrated Version Control at http://www.bspsoftware.com/Products/ImplementationBasedSoftware/IntegratedVersionControl/tabid/65/Default.aspx (http://www.bspsoftware.com/Products/ImplementationBasedSoftware/IntegratedVersionControl/tabid/65/Default.aspx).
Integrated Version Control simplifies and streamlines the process of continuously preserving authored content in the event changes need to be audited or the information needs to be recovered. IVC’s innovative approach to integrating directly within the IBM Cognos 8 interface allows the product to appear and behave as if it were part of the core IBM Cognos 8 product suite. IVC’s version control process is intuitive and requires little or no training for consumers.
IVC is the ONLY Real-Time, Transparent and Truly Integrated Versioning and Governance, Risk and Compliance Solution for IBM Cognos.
* Directly integrated into IBM Cognos 8 BI Studios and IBM Cognos Connection.
o Versioned content is secured by existing IBM Cognos 8 security. Consumers must have access to the report to see previous versions.
o Prior versions are archived real-time as Authors save existing content within any supported Studio, regardless of where they store the current version (Public or My Folders).
o Prior versions are accessed through the applicable Studio or through IBM Cognos Connection.
o Recovery of versioned specifications is done with the click of a button.
* Security is integrated within Cognos Capabilities.
o Enable and disable IVC features through the IBM Cognos secured functions and features.
* IVC Administration console integrated directly within Cognos Administration.
* Integrated Change Management with elaborate workflow.
o Report locking capabilities to prevent multiple Authors from simultaneous development.
* Support for an unlimited number of previous versions to be stored and recovered.
* Preview any two versions side by side visually to compare visual differences.
* Preview any two versions side by side programmatically (XML specification comparison) to compare syntax differences.
* Supports both Public and Personal (My Folders) authored content.
* Promote reports between development, test and production environments.
* Real-time studio monitoring to determine what users are currently editing which reports in a given studio.
* Broadcast messaging to users that are currently working in any studio information such as, “The server is going to be rebooted. Please save your work and exit.â€